måndag 19 maj 2014


Först av allt så gick vi ut och fotograferade. Jag ville ha något stort med en plan yta. Så hittade jag min bild jag använde, så jag tog kort på den och la in den i datorn.
Efter det så tänkte jag att jag ville göra något i form av Bansky, så jag gjorde den flickan med ballongerna som han har gjort, eftersom den också var avlång.
Jag gjorde en skiss och sedan målade jag av den på ett större papper.

onsdag 7 maj 2014


The World War II is one of the most horrible things that has ever happened in my opinion.It's not fair that the jews were treated the way they were.I don't know how I would react if I heard that it's going to be another world war, and maybe live like the jews lived back then. I can't imagine how it would be to live like the jews or the other innocent people. 
And I still can't believe that you can kill millions of jews, and don't even feel guilty or sorry. I think that the whole world were in shock of what Hitler were doing to the world. I can't even explain with words which monster Hitler were. It's insane. 

tisdag 22 april 2014

The sentences.

Mom couldn’t give me a ride so I had to catch a bus. 

If you really want to know the answer, be all ears. 

As I walked through our hallway, I caught my mom pleading for something. 

During my shower, I found out that I didn’t buy any shampoo yesterday, so I had to think about the current situation, so I had to use the soap. 

When I was drunk, I was almost at the point of revealing my secret. 

If I didn’t make the money, I was going to be evicted.

My blanket just laid on the floor. I needed to go and hang it in my closet.

When I saw my classmate, tears were rolling down her cheeks. It was pretty obvious that something had happened. 

In the jungle, it’s the survival of the fittest. 

My friend Mark had to go to the counselor because he didn’t feel comfortable in our class. 

There is a huge party this evening. Everyone is going to be there, including me. 

fredag 14 mars 2014

Freedom Writers

  1. Why are the students so unwilling to associate with anyone outside their ethnic/racial groups? Where does this intolerance come from?
Because it’s not one of them. Every racial group have their own gang, and if they hang out with an other gang is like backstabbing his/hers own friends. It’s because of their older generations, they didn’t hang out with other racial people. So they can’t break the trend. 

2. Ms. Gruwell is the first teacher to show trust and respect for the “at risk” students at Wilson High. How does Erin Gruwell demonstrate this? Why are some students more resistant to trusting each other?
She really tries to make these kids better as a class and persons, that no teachers before have had faith to do. And there were these two girls in class named Eva and Sindy. Eva’s boyfriend killed Sindy’s friend. So they had a really hard time being friends. 

3. Why is trust such an important component of a teacher-student relationship?
Because the book the students have to write stories about themselves in, they don’t want anybody else except Ms. Gruwell to see. And the teacher is the one to learn and help the kids into the future. They really need to have a good relationship between them so that they like each other. Also that if you don’t like the teacher, you don’t like their lessons and you don’t learn anything. 

  1. Why does Ms. Gruwell’s students hate and resent her at first?
Because they thought that Ms. Gruwell just thought that she could come in to her class and change everything. She don’t know how they have it back home and on the streets. 

  1. How do the classmates learn to trust one another? How does reading and writing initiate this change? 

They write down their stories. And they realize that it’s not just themselves that have a hard time. Ms. Gruwell made this game ’‘Step on the line’’, and everyone realize that everyone has lost a friend in gangfights. 

måndag 10 mars 2014


Vi har arbetat med detta musikprojektet i ca. ett halv år. Jag och Andrew har spelat piano medans Noa och Carlsson har hållit i sången. Vi har arbetat väldigt intensivt vissa lektioner och slappt vissa. Noa och Viktor var mest i rampljuset i och med att de sjöng. Så största delen av musikvideon var på dem två.

Jag har ju som sagt spelat piano i denna låt. Jag och Andrew spelade in pianot först så att Noa och Viktor hade något att hålla takten till. Så jag och Andrew hade inte så mycket att göra i slutet.

En sak vi kunde gjort bättre var att vi kunde ha blivit klar med videon tidigare.

fredag 7 februari 2014


My parents never smoke.
Pam and Barbara are sometimes late for school.
I was always very shy when I was younger.
My grandparents hardly ever go to the cinema.
Where do you usually go for you holidays?
Swedish people are seldom late for meetings.
I don't often have a cooked breakfast.

1. 4.
2. 8.
3. 2.
4. 6.
5. 3.
6. Tea
7. Size
8. Animals
9. Currency
10. Cities
11. Travel
12. Animals
13. Bollywood
14. Population
15. Animals
16. Language.